Give the Environment the Benefit of the Doubt

For many in Australia, the most pressing issue is that of climate change in relation to global warming.  The focus on the issue of global warming has placed the environment at centre stage for Australians and people around the world, regardless of their ideological orientation.

Social Action Australia does not have a stance in relation to the scientific correctness of global warming.  However, in the words of Rupert Murdoch, the environment should be ‘given the benefit of the doubt’.

A relevant issue which Social Action Australia will focus on is the ideological dichotomy concerning the environment.  An aspect which defines the Marxist inspired approach to socio, political and economic issues is that they provide a pretext to generate social protest which challenges the prevailing capitalist system.  Outcomes which the Marxist-inspired left have pursued have been orientated toward creating a framework which fosters social control over others.  Achieving a higher social good is claimed to justify an authoritarian regulation of other people.  The future of the environment is undoubtedly of profound importance and as such it will be utilized by the far left as a vehicle with which to pursue their ideological agenda.

Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 this focus on the environment has provided far left wing groups with an ideological direction and the potential to attract a new generation of actual recruits.  In Australia, anti social democratic organisations, such as the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), have been able to adapt to the demise of the Soviet Union by revamping themselves as earnest environmentalists.

There is no prescriptive social democratic position on the environment except to ensure that ecological common sense prevails.  Social Action Australia will monitor far left groups with regard to their utilizing the environment as an issue with which to advance their ideological agendas.  As part of the process of avoiding the trap of becoming reactive on the issue of the environment, Social Action Australia will also investigate and highlight environmental initiatives in terms of their contribution to the public good.  The fields of investigation will encompass issues ranging from soil desalination in Australia to the veracity of claims concerning global warming.