I also hoped there’d be no more references to his hero Dietrich Bonhoeffer, but no, Phillip Adams has done it again (The Australian 17-18/8) If Kevin Rudd heeded the sermons preached in Christian Churches, I doubt he’d get much solace. The Christian message is one of “suffering the little children”, of “innocent blood crying from earth to heaven” of “taking up the Cross and suffering the jeers of the crowd” and “he that denies me, I will deny”. Having voted in 2006 for the use of the drug RU46 on unborn children and supported Australian funding of overseas abortions, he’d be squirming in his seat. And Dietrich Bonhoeffer would be turning in his martyr’s grave at being so misunderstood. The Lutheran Pastor wrote unequivocally against abortion and in opposing the Nazi regime’s contempt for the sanctity of human life, seriously took up the Cross. He forfeited more than high office. He forfeited his life for his belief in the Christian Cross.
Denise M Cameron
Pro Life Victoria (Inc)
378 Nicholson Street
Nth. Fitzroy.
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Social Action Australia.