Who Are The Real Mavericks? (See the Bio-Ethics Section)

Newspaper reports consistently describe the Victorian Independent MP Geoff Shaw, who has announced his intention to introduce a bill to outlaw partial-birth abortions, gender selection abortions, oblige doctors to administer pain killers to babies undergoing abortions, resuscitate any who survive, provide better information to mothers contemplating abortion and restore to doctors their right of conscientious objection, as a “maverick”.

These matters are merely the hallmarks of a humane, civilised society. Surely the real “mavericks” are those Victorian politicians who voted all this away in 2008 ? Last week on very doorstep, it was instant dismissal for two piggery workers who were captured on camera prodding a pig with an electric probe. If we secreted some of these animal activists into an abortion clinic, surely Geoff Shaw’s amendments would all pass without dissent?

Denise M Cameron
Pro Life Victoria (Inc)
378 Nicholson Street,
North Fitzroy 3068