The political situation in Egypt is so precarious that any mis-step by the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces could be very detrimental to the Middle East region and to the world. This article by Dr. David Paul Bennett reviews the contemporary situation in Egypt with reference to that nation’s recent past and possible future.


The most frustrating aspect of tragedy is that, by definition, it is avoidable. Perhaps it is excusable to make mistakes if you do not know what the consequences will be. Inversely, it is inexcusable to make self-inflicted mistakes when you actually do know better.


The world is at a crucial cross-roads with regard to its future direction. With rapid social and technological change, questions concerning the distribution and concentration of economic and political power have emerged. Due to limited resources a power-with (‘win-win’) approach will be required to facilitate innovations in global resource allocation so that a changing world will remain viable.


The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) presents the world with fundamental challenges. Modern history has shown that in times of acute challenge existing socio-political and financial systems often require fundamental reform and/or adaptation. For example Russia in 1917 as on course to adapt, but did not, thereby allowing a strident minority to impose its ideological framework on that nation.


Japan has had a tumultuous year (2011) with regard to natural disasters. However, Japan will (and is) recovering from these disasters due to the resilience of its people. The Japanese generally have an orientation toward supporting each other to ensure national survival. This approach accords with the Gestalt philosophy in which the analysis of the totality of a situation is undertaken so that action can be taken to promote the common good.