The great medieval Florentine political philosopher Nicola Machiavelli observed that political problems are akin to tuberculosis- easy to cure in the early stages but almost impossible to cure in the late stages.
LEARN MOREPresident Vladimir Putin’s decision to undertake Russian military intervention in Syria by way of providing air support (both plane and helicopter gunship) and the firing of missiles from naval ships against the moderate and western backed opponents (primarily the Free Syrian Army, FSA) of Bashar Assad is perplexing and ultimately counter-productive.
LEARN MOREThe major difficulty with regard to forming a transitional government in Syria seems to be President Bashar al-Assad’s stubborn refusal to leave office. However, that does not mean that his prime minister, Wael Nader al-Halqi, should not resign to make way for a brilliant individual to form and lead a government of national unity. Such a government would have to include representatives of the ruling Baath Party, the *Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Kurds.
LEARN MOREThe Australian government’s recent call for the removal of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is welcome. Unfortunately, the Assad regime has no concept of “win-win” scenarios as Damascus recently rejected a British proposal that Assad head a transitional government for six months before stepping down.
LEARN MOREThe current uncertainty concerning the continuity of Tony Abbott’s prime ministership has raised the distinct and welcome possibility of Malcolm Turnbull succeeding him to that high office. Should there be a Turnbull prime ministerial succession then hopefully the leadership uncertainty which has bedevilled Australia since the Howard government’s demise in 2007 will end.