See the Historical and Current Affairs Perspectives section for a review of Madonna King’s biography of Treasurer Joe Hockey.


The crisis situation in Iraq has inevitably resulted in the assertion that it was inherently wrong for the United States led coalition in 2003 to have liberated that nation from Saddam Hussein’s tyranny. This analysis has in turn led to an implicit, if not actual, opposition to the United States taking military action via air support for the Maliki government in Baghdad against the brutal fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).


It is imperative in a complex world that national leaders be neo-Bonapartists, i.e. independent political actors who are not captive to vested interests. A wide range of leadership examples is analysed by Dr. David Paul Bennett to convey the contemporary importance of neo-Bonapartism.


Count Leo Tolstoy (1828 to 1910) said that all his thinking could be summarized on the basis that if corrupt people united then good people should do the same- that it was as simple as that!