Tasmania Beware Victoria’s Shame

I feel for Tasmanians being ruled, not by the Government they thought they elected, but rather by the “special interest group” Emily’s List.

Early Money is Like Yeast is the acronym for Emily’s List, membership of which is restricted to so called “pro choice women”. Women, who once propelled into parliament, will enact abortion legislation such as Tasmania is now facing. Pro-life women need not apply!

However, Tasmanians have in their favour, the Victorian experience of its 2008 abortion legislation, already under review. The Tasmanian legislation has the added sinister overtones of radical infringements of freedom, specifically targeting those who have a conscientious objection by making it illegal to protest within 150 metres of an abortion clinic.

Invitations to Tasmanians to make submissions to the Human Services Population Health Enquiry are likely a “con”. In Victoria, 84% of the Submissions to the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Enquiry on Abortion prior to the 2008 legislation were against the legalisation of abortion. However, we were ignored and ended up with the most permissive abortion law in the world. In Tasmania 87% of the submissions to their enquiry were opposed to abortion legislation.

Life respecting Tasmanians should direct their “submission” to those elected to govern, their state parliamentarians. As Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the American Declaration of Independence famously declared: “The first responsibility of Government is to protect innocent human life.”

Given every abortion kills a baby, Tasmanian legislators will understand this responsibility better than a handful of ideological bureaucrats comprising the Population Health Enquiry.

Denise M Cameron

President Pro Life Victoria (Inc)

April 2013

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and are not all necessarily shared by Social Action Australia Pty Ltd.